Django’s Test Client ==================== Internally, Django's TestCase is used to maintain the test environment. You can access the TestCase instance via ``context.test``. .. code-block:: python # Using Django's testing client @when(u'I visit "{url}"') def visit(context, url): # save response in context for next step context.response = context.test.client.get(url) Simple testing -------------- If you only use Django's test client then *behave* tests can run much quicker with the ``--simple`` command line option. In this case transaction rollback is used for test automation instead of flushing the database after each scenario, just like in Django's standard ``TestCase``. No HTTP server is started during the simple testing, so you can't use web browser automation. Accessing ``context.base_url`` or calling ``context.get_url()`` will raise an exception. unittest + Django assert library -------------------------------- Additionally, you can utilize unittest and Django’s assert library. .. code-block:: python @then(u'I should see "{text}"') def visit(context, text): # compare with response from ``when`` step response = context.response context.test.assertContains(response, text)