Django’s Test Client

Internally, Django’s TestCase is used to maintain the test environment. You can access the TestCase instance via context.test.

# Using Django's testing client
@when(u'I visit "{url}"')
def visit(context, url):
    # save response in context for next step
    context.response = context.test.client.get(url)

Simple testing

If you only use Django’s test client then behave tests can run much quicker with the --simple command line option. In this case transaction rollback is used for test automation instead of flushing the database after each scenario, just like in Django’s standard TestCase.

No HTTP server is started during the simple testing, so you can’t use web browser automation. Accessing context.base_url or calling context.get_url() will raise an exception.

unittest + Django assert library

Additionally, you can utilize unittest and Django’s assert library.

@then(u'I should see "{text}"')
def visit(context, text):
    # compare with response from ``when`` step
    response = context.response
    context.test.assertContains(response, text)